Apple is arguably one of the best mobile phone brands that are found in the market today. The company is always rolling out new versions of the phone which come with better specs so that they can fit in the ever changing technology world. There are numerous versions that people have come up with as to the origin of the Logo inspiration. Below however you will find the real story behind it to know how it really came about.
A gentleman by the name John Kates claimed that the Apple LOGO found on the back of the Mac or iPhone was done as a tribute to another gentleman who was known as Alan Turing. Turing was the made who laid the foundations that are used for modern day computers. He pioneered research into artificial intelligence and also unlocked the codes used for German wartime. He died ten years after the war had ended and provided the links with the brand. Facing jail being charged with indecency, unrecognized for his great work and humiliated by the estrogen injections he was given in a bid to "cure" his sexuality are some of the frustrations that made him bit into an apple that had been laced with cyanide.
Alan Turing dies on 7th June 1954 in obscurity exactly ten years and a day after Normady landings. These made copious use of the intelligence that has been gleaned by his methods. Before iOS7 was introduced to the market the story goes on about how two entrepreneurs in Stanford were searching for a logo that would be used for their new computer company. After some time they remembered the contribution that Turing had made to the industry and thus decided to work with an Apple. This was not a full one but one that had been bitten.
As simple as it is the story about the apple LOGO inspiration is quite true because there are very many people who have done research on the same and ended up with this result. This actually triggered some emotions from a number of people who said that the story was quite touching and they would have never thought of it in that way. There are still a few people however who still believe that it is a myth. This is probably because there are very many theories that have been made up on the topic.
Some of the theories that have been advanced in regards to apple is that the founders used the theme of the first people (Adam and Eve) when eve bit the apple. Others refer to the fruit as the one that helped Sir Isaac Newton to develop the concept of gravity. Supporters of the latter believe that the logo was first known as the Newton before it changed its name. This can however be challenged because it happened more than ten years after the logo had already been created. The developer however does away with the two theories and tends to agree with the Turing version and says that it is an incredible urban legend.