Olympic Logo

London 2012 Summer Olympics

The Olympics logo also got its fair share of the controversy because of its numerous negative responses received including what some say as unreasonably spent budget. The common opinion is that the logo produced is not worth the £400,000 spent.

Olympic Logo

Olympic Logo

Your Logo The Soul of Your Company

Every day of my life, I see hundreds of logos on packaging, signs, and television. We as consumers see so many logos that we don't often consciously think about them. Businesses hire entire graphic design firms or individual groups of designers to come up with a wide variety of logos for their brands.

Olympic Logo

Olympic Logo

Why is it so important for a company to have a good logo design behind their brand? Just like nations, businesses need a flag or symbol to remind customers of what they stand for. A good brand logo will represent a business as well as their products and services. Think for example of the logo of Burger King. Burger King's logo features the name of the company stacked between two buns of a burger. This logo is not only memorable, but it represents the company's product, which is fast food.

Olympic Logo

Olympic Logo

Company logos give continuity. When a company's logo appears on business cards, websites, letterheads, or commercials, customers connect a company with a logo. The human mind does not always remember practical snippets of information, but the human mind is coded to remember images. Eye-catching logos make an imprint on the brain, and customers remember this logo design and connect it with the company and its services.

Olympic Logo

Olympic Logo

Costs of Famous UK Logo Designs

Logos are considered to be an important aspect of the branding process. They assist in making a memorable business identity. This is the reason why companies are now paying heavily in creating a business identity. More and more funds are now being invested on the design of corporate logos. But the amount is mostly substantiated by the uniqueness of ideas and the weight of the work done by designers.

Olympic Logo

Olympic Logo

Not every prominent brand was created for exorbitant prices. I believe most of us are aware of the fact that a famous logo, Nike Swoosh, was made for a miserly $35 cost, but the same logo is now the rationale for one of the most eminent brands in the world. We can also find a number of cases in the UK market as well. Even though the cost of famous logos are not usually disclosed to the common man, I tried to find out what famous logos cost these days in UK market.

Olympic Logo

Olympic Logo