Logo 01

Visual processing is the most important way for gathering information for all human beings. A good design or graphics work is remembered for ages and that is what drives the multinational companies to spend millions of dollars on developing their logo and other branding material. They would go to any extent to create a solid visual impact and leave a permanent impression on their customer's mind.

While designing your logo and providing the necessary details to your designer you need to always keep in mind what you want your customers to feel about your company when they see your logo. A logo design can actually be a compressed story for your business and tell your customers about the nature and attitude of your business.

Yes, your home is the place where you take the first step of your logo design process. Look at the different bottles and pouches you are using every day in the kitchen, look at the logos they have, look at the logos on your electronic equipments, check the logo on the bag that you got from the shopping mall yesterday. Every day we come across 1000s of logos but we remember just a few, if we look around, we can find different types of logos around us. Also, visit the local supermarket to check the logos on the array of products they have. It is always better to check out the logos of your competitors who are in the same industry. While doing this, you are sure to find some logos that stand out from the others and this is going to help you conceptualize your logo design.

Once you have made up your mind on how you want your logo to be, its time you write them down clearly demarcated into small objective points which can work as instructions for your logo designer.

Logo Flush

Logo Flush

Logo Flush

Logo Flush

Logo Flush

Logo Flush

Logo Flush

Logo Flush

Logo Flush

Logo Flush

Logo Flush

Logo Flush

Logo Flush